Follow me home





1.             Introduction



A “follow me home” function is often found in cars. It makes the headlights shine for a certain time after the engine is shutdown. This allows the driver to find his home, get the key in the lock etc.

This device is a retrofitted PCB and can be used in any car.


This circuit is based around the PIC18F2550 microcontroller. This chip is actually a small computer contained in a single chip, including RAM memory,  EEPROM, I/O ports, CPU and so on. When you buy this chip, it comes empty with no program on it. You have to compile the source code and download the resulting  machine code into it, using a PC and a small programmer attached to the PC and the chip. To get yourself familiar with this stuff, I suggest you first read this link: Getting started with microcontrollers.


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2.             Description


The properties of the device:

-       zero standby power usage

-       one-button operation, LED illuminated pushbutton

-       time is adjustable from 30 seconds to 4 minutes in 8 steps

-       each step is visible by means of the dim level of the LED

-       when time is going, LED shows progress by means of reducing dim level





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3.             Usage



The device is operated with a single pushbutton. It will only work when the engine is shut down.


Press the pushbutton once to turn the headlights on for 30 seconds. The LED will illuminate very little. Press again to add 30 seconds. The LED will illuminate a little bit more.

The headlights will go off after the selected time.


If you want the headlights to go off before that time, keep the button pressed for 2 seconds.




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4.             Connection


Colors of the wiring:


-       LEFT


o    Button:

§  Green:      common for LED cathode and pushbutton

§  Yellow:     LED anode

§  Orange:    pushbutton


-       RIGHT

o   Interface:         

§  Blue:    ground

§  Purple: + continuous

§  Grey:    + switched

§  White:   OUT to headlight relay





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5.             Schematic diagram




List of components


Link to Eagle circuit



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6.             Explanation of the schematic diagram


(Refer to the schematic diagram).


PAD1 is continuous 12V, PAD2 is ground. These two PADs are the power IN connection. When the contact is ON, power is interrupted and the device will be in OFF mode.

When the pushbutton is pressed, relay K1 is grounded on the left side. Since the right side is on +12V, it will activate. The voltage regulator gets powered and provides +5V to the PIC. The PIC starts running and will first activate relay K4 to continue the power provision. It will then start timing for 30 seconds and activate relay K3, providing power to the headlights.

When the user presses the pushbutton again, this will be polled by the PIC by means of contacts 3 and 4 of relay K1. The PIC will add 30 seconds (max. 8 times) to its internal time counter.

When the time counter is 0 the PIC will release all relays, thereby putting the headlights and itself off.




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7.             The printed circuit board


The pcb is designed for smd components.

It is double sided and designed with Eagle (from Cadsoft).








PDF file (top, mirrored) to print on a transparent: Print-layout

PDF file (bottom) to print on a transparent: Print-layout


Link to Eagle file brd file containing the PCB..





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8.             Programming



The software is written in C (PIC C18 from Microchip).

It was first prototyped on a Dwengo experimental board ( Since this board uses a PIC18F4550, I designed two projects: one for PIC 18F4550 and one for  PIC 18F2550 (the final design). The first one also uses the Dwengo library to show some debug messages on the Dwengo LCD, the second one does not need the Dwengo library.


You do not need the Dwengo board and library to build this project, just the Microchip MPLAB IDE and a PICkit2 compatible programmer will do.

Zip file containing all source code, header files and project files: Link to MPLAB projects


Connection to a PIC programmer.

Pad 5-6-7-8-9 must be (temporary) wired to a PIC programmer (5=-, 6=+, 7=VPP, 8=clock, 9=data), e.g. a PICkIt2 compatible programmer.



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