Universal timer example displays Time display 13:34:09 Su [] ......Normal time display ([] means at least on timer program is programmed) 16:33:12 Sa S8......Normal time display (S means snooze function is activated, followed by minutes left to snooze) Time set display 13:34:09 Tu Tset......Use cursor button ('->') and up button ('^') to set the time and day Prog display Some example programs 01 14:56 Tu Off ......Program 1: relay off all Tuesdays at 14h56 02 15:36 Fr On ......Program 2: relay on all Fridays at 15:36 03 14:56 Tu --- ......Program 3: no action 04 07:21 Th Ran ......Program 4: every Thursday at 7:21 go to random mode 05 --:00 We On ......Program 5: every hour, on the hour, but only on Wednesdays, put relay on 06 --:04 -- Off ......Program 6: every hour, on the 4th minute, put relay off 07 15:34 -- --- ......Program 7: no action 08 15:34 -- --- ......Program 8: no action 09 15:34 -- --- ......Program 9: no action 10 15:34 -- --- ......Program 10: no action 11 15:34 -- --- ......Program 11: no action 12 15:34 -- --- ......Program 12: no action 13 15:34 -- --- ......Program 13: no action 14 23:34 -- Off ......Program 14: Relay off all days at 23h34 OnDark On 6 ......OnDark program: relay on as soon as it gets dark, for six hours (after six hours go back to the state just before it was dark) OnDark Off 7 ......OnDark program: relay off as soon as it gets dark, for seven hours OnDark Off - ......OnDark program: relay off as soon as it gets dark remark: this is a one-time event, i.e. it will not go back on when it gets light again unless the OnLight event has such an action set OnDark Ran 4 ......OnDark program: device in random mode when it gets dark, for 4 hours OnDark Ran - ......OnDark program: device in random mode when it gets dark OnDark --- - ......OnDark program: no action when it gets dark OnLight On - ......OnLight program: relay on as soon as it gets light OnLight Ran - ......OnLight program: device in random mode when it gets light OnLight --- - ......OnLight program: no action when it gets light Set Se4 Cu7 Du70......Set mode program: Se followed by current light sensitivity setting, Cu followed by current light measurement, Du followed by current random duty cycle setting LEDs explanation: red led: lit when relay on yellow led: lit when it is dark, unlit when it is light will also flash shortly (go off if it was on or go on when it was off) each time when a button is pressed blue led: random mode activated button explanation: button1 button2 button3 button4 button layout TIME PROG -> ^ main functions Manual Snooze secundary functions Time button: will put the device in normal time display, leaving prog display and saving all settings in EEPROM Prog button: when in time display, will go to prog display, showing program 01. First settable digit will blink. Each time the Prog button is pressed, it will move the device to the next program. There are 17 programs: 01 .. 14 (timer programs), OnDark, OnLight, Set (this is not an actual program but is only for setting the sensitivity of the light sensor and the duty cycle for the randomizer). -> button: when in prog mode, will move the cursor one position to the right when in time mode, will manually scroll through 3 possible states: off, on, random (remark: manual overrides are always temporary, this means the device will take back control of relay at the next timer or light event) ^ button: when in prog mode, will advance the digit that is currently blinking; if setting the first digit of the hours keep this button pressed for 2 secs to show '--' for the hours when in time mode and relay is currently on, will activate the snooze function (put relay off for 9 minutes then return to the actual state as if snooze wasn't activated) Notes: . When advancing the day in prog mode, there are also 3 special symbols for 'week' program (Mo - Fr), 'week-with-6-working-days' program (Mo - Sa) and 'weekend' program (Sa - Su). . Time set mode is automatically activated when device is first put under current. If 'time' button is pressed for 2 secs while in regular time keeping mode, time set mode is also activated. . Sensitivity setting: the higher you set the Se value, the more sensitive the device is to darkness; i.e. the sooner the OnDark event will occur. The sensitivity to light is always contrary to the sensitivity to darkness.