Schematic diagram of the universal timer
Circuit explanation:
Port RA0 (configured as AD input) is used to measure the voltage resulting of voltage divider LDR1/R5
which is proportianal to the amount of light.
Port RA2 to 5 are outputs for the 3 leds and 1 relay.
Potmeter P1 is for adjusting the LCDs contrast.
Pseudo code (Word 2000 document)
The device built into the housing of a modified mains protector. The LCD display is mounted sideways
because of it's size.
The device opened up. Below (a little left from the center) is the LDR sensor. Right below you can see the yellow
LED en the blue LED (which looks like a white one). In between is a small (0.33 VA) transformer. A second transformer,
connected parallel to the first one, seemed necessary (right above, below the blue elco) to deliver enough power for
the 8A relay (just below the thick white wire).
Front view of the device plugged into a wall socket.
A side view of the finished device, plugged into the wall.